How To Use The High Protein Meal Plans
Welcome to the Weekly High Protein Meal Plans Tutorial Page!
Our meal plans are flexible and you can tailor them to your liking. Check out the High Protein Recipe Vault for recipes especially tailored towards this meal plan service.
Below are some tutorials on how to use the meal plans.
A quick note on swapping recipes:
Our meal plans are designed as 1800 kcals, 2200 kcals and 2700 kcals. 1800 kcals is the base, with options to increase if you are very active. Choose whichever one fits you best.
If you are exceptionally active (4 hours or more cardio per week, or 2 hours cardio + strength training) then contact us directly so we can advise you more.
Check out the Meal Plan Tutorials below on more info on how to swap recipes. (No worries, it’s easy!)