Simple, Sexy, Salsa (5 Min, Vegan)

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I have a confession to make. I haven’t quite been alone in the kitchen. Kat, my more talented other half, has been developing recipes with abandon. This simple, sexy salsa recipe is one of hers.
These quesadillas are one of our favourite meals, and we’ve been experimenting with them recently (onion and peppers go really well!).
As I went to grab the pesto for the base, I realised with shock horror that we’d run out! ‘No problem’, said Kat, ‘Lets make the crispy veggie pizzas instead. You picked up a jar of salsa the other day, didn’t you?’
Err…no, I hadn’t. I’d forgotten. Oops. So…no pesto, no salsa 🙁
Kat then suggested trying to make our own with the few ingredients we had lying about – and it worked! Really well actually, and it only took five minutes.
All you need is a tin of chopped tomatoes, an onion, a chilli, some garlic, basil and parsley.

By making your own you can save some cash, and also avoid all those sugars and preservatives often found in shop-bought salsa.
It also tastes reaaaaally nice! As well as pizza, you could use it as a base for quesadillas, or as a dip too of course.
Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is here again.
Maybe you see it as fun, romantic time to be spending with a loved one, or perhaps you see it as money grabbing corporate bollocks that doesn’t deserve a day dedicated to it.
If you fall into the former category then grab said loved one and start making some sexy salsa in the kitchen before you head to the bedroom, or if you’re a latter then throw these pizzas together and fill your hole another way.
We want to know:
- Do you love or hate Valentine’s Day?
- How are you spending it?
- Pizza – deep pan or crispy?
- And which makes the best base for quesadillas – salsa or pesto?
Get in touch!

- 1 small onion
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 chili
- 1 tin tomatoes (chopped) (1 tin = 14oz)
- ½ cup basil, fresh (dried will do the trick too. ½ cup fresh = 2 tsp dried)
- ½ cup parsley, fresh (yep, you guessed it, dried is fine. You can buy dried parsley with crushed garlic already in it, and this works great too. ½ cup fresh parsley = 2 tsp dried)
- 2 dashes Salt and pepper to taste
- Dice the onion and garlic.1 small onion, 1 clove garlic
- Deseed the chilli if you don’t want it toooooo hot and chop it too (easiest way to do this is slice it length-ways then run a teaspoon down the middle, forcing the seeds out).1 chili
- Throw all ingredients, including the salt and pepper, into a large mixing bowl.1 tin tomatoes, ½ cup basil, fresh, 2 dashes Salt and pepper to taste, ½ cup parsley, fresh
- Give it a good stir.
- Ready.
I was wondering what kind of onion you use. Most people get stomachache from eating white onions raw right? Did you use red onions or a totally different kind?
Hi Jenn, just regular white onions in this recipe :). Hmm I had never heard of that before, and never experienced it myself. It could well be true though, of course! Is it something you’ve noticed?